“Cosmic Light Awareness” is part of the International Astronomical Union’s cosmic celebration of the International Year of Light 2015. The main aim of this project is to involve schools around the globe in awareness campaigns in the framework of the International Year of Light.
The project has assembled a tool kit, the Cosmic Light Educational Kit, with simple tools to address the proposed thematic of the ephemeris, in particular those related the nature of light, the impact of light in our knowledge of the Universe, its importance for our existence.
The project aims to target diverse social and cultural audiences and propose topics related to light in its rich variety and impact. Light as a source of life, light as a source of knowledge, light from the past, light from the future, light for inclusion. Colors we see and colors we don’t see. A special component designed for children with visual impairment will be incorporated in the kit.
The kit has some components in material format and several digital tools and resources. Tutorials and thematic hangouts, related to the main cornerstones of IYL2015 and related to the components of the kit have been promoted along the year. Training efforts have been implemented in order to empower teachers to the full exploitation of the kit and its different components.
CosmicLight EDU page http://nuclio.org/cosmiclightedukit